The cute little milk box was created by Debbie VanGieson and the calendar to the right was done by Louise DelVecchio. There is a magnet on the back so you can put it up on your frig! Isn't it adorable!
This cute little owl was made by Tina Rosenkraus. She copied it from our monthly Stampin' Discuss. Isn't it cute! Now I need to figure out what to do with it!
I also made a mini chipboard album, some pics below. I need to fill in some info but really happy with the way it turned out. It was a lot of fun to make! The picture to the right is the front of the album and below is just inside. That is a picture of the my grandparents on their wedding day in 1919!
The picture here to the left is me on my wedding day in 1982! Big difference!
Well I hope you enjoyed all the show and tells for today! I have some more to post but will have to wait for another day! Enjoy the rain and don't get to wet. Cyndy