Monday, August 27, 2018

Life Happenings

I hope you're enjoying the last days of summer. I'm finally able to get away and enjoy some myself! I know it's been awhile since I've posted. It's been pretty busy for me. My husband decided it was finally time to redo our deck, and it's a big deck! So during a heat wave, we were all out tearing up the old boards and putting the new ones down. Fortunately we just used the same foundation part. I'm not sure what you call it but what was already there. It was in good shape, so why reinvent the wheel so to speak. I have a few pictures of what it looked like with most of the new boards done. He finished it the day before we left for vacation.
 This section is over half done. It's hard to in the above picture but the far end still needs decking. The picture below shows it more.

 This is the end of the house where we typically go in and out. We left some of the old boards up to help with getting the new boards up but also so we could get around to the other side. We were at that time working on both sides.

Just a glimpse into my crazy world lately. I was so exhausted after working on this for a week. I barely had energy to do much of anything else. Guess I'm getting older or just out of shape!

Don't forget there are only a few days left to get the Blended Seasons stamps, dies, & watercolor pencils! It's also the end of  BONUS DAYS. Shop in $50 increments to earn a coupon for shopping in September! You can get them in my STORE or contact me if you have any questions. Make sure you use this month's VIP Host Code CXWFSKJF.

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